PHONE - You are Walking Along. An approaching couple bumps into you, Apparently accidentally. They apologize profusely. Subsequently you need to make a phone call. The mobile in the back pocket of your jeans has disappeared.
THEFT - An Honest Person, however needy, will Never Steal. A Dishonest Person or a thief, regardless of your generosity, will continue to steal.
ADVANTAGE - If someone takes advantage of you, because of your IGNORANCE, it is Your fault, NOT theirs.
AGING - The secret of OLD Age: Don't let anybody do for You What You can Do For YOURSELF.
ATTITUDE - You can Decide to be Happy or Sad. Look at what you HAVE and be HAPPY, or at what you are MISSING and be SAD.
WEALTH - A Generous Person always feels RICH. A Mean Person always feels POOR.
BORROWING - If you Borrow and do not Repay, You cut off Avenue of Future Help.
COURAGE - Courage does not always ROAR. Sometimes it is a quiet Voice that says: I'll Try Again Tomorrow.
SECRET - The Secret of Life Is to Meet the Right People at the Right Time.
EDUCATION - If you can't learn From the people you are with, Then you are with the wrong people.
DRIVING - If you blow your hooter instead of touching your brakes, Then you are a BAD DRIVER.
PEOPLE - Never throw people away. Put them on a shelf. You never know -- What they have to offer You may need.
WITNESS - You Witness an Injustice. You DO Nothing. You SAY Nothing. You are equally guilty of that Injustice.
FEELINGS - Sometimes in our lives, in order to maintain good Relationships, It is necessary to Think Outside our Feelings and Emotions.
BLESSINGS - We all come with different gifts and different weaknesses. Enjoy one and Forgive the other.
GENDER - The more Feminine qualities that a man has, the more manly the man.
CHOICE - Sometimes the Right Thing to Do is the Hardest Thing to Do.
MEMORIES - The Good times can always be Remembered. Such memories Cannot be taken from You!
PROBLEMS - IF you have a problem and money can solve the problem AND you have the money, THEN you have NO problem.
PERSPECTIVE - Every Situation in your Life brings good, IF you look Carefully enough.
Give or pay as much as you can, not as little as you can.
Look at the ocean front each time as if you were seeing it for the first time.
Don't drink when you have a problem. Only take a drink when you are happy.
Appreciate walks, detours, and stairs. The exercise is good for you.
You can't always get everything you want in a relationship.
Don't forget that you will always be a guest, no matter how long you have been around.
My Wife is a wonderful Mother..a little discipline and a lot of love.
My Mom always said it is better to be 5 minutes late in this world than to be 20 years early for the next.
The chimney does not always fall on the man next door.
Sweet words butter no parsnips.
Children do what they see you do, not what you tell them.